What we do

The greatest service is service to humanity. We are accepting donations of any size. Donating 1% of your monthly income won’t hurt you but will serve a great job for these children

Works with over 65,000 farmer leaders to test and adopt agroecological methods and spread them to 385,000 more people through farmer-to-farmer training. Together, these farmers have restored over 180,000 acres of degraded land.

Empowers 30,000 women farmers to participate in savings and credit groups, improve ecological production, gain access to productive assets, and diversify their livelihoods, which in turn improved their families’ food security, incomes and resilience

Strengthens local markets and increases farmers’ incomes through savings and credit groups and community-based agricultural enterprises that add value to locally grown crops.
Creates enabling policies through citizen engagement with decision makers. We also synthesize lessons across our network and produce influential case studies, policy briefs and reports that contribute to the necessary transition to agroecology.

Nourishes vulnerable families by explicitly integrating gender equity and nutrition into agricultural programs. Our holistic approach links agroecological farming to family nutrition.



Help kids around the globe



Improvement, Transperancy, Empowerment

Our core values and guiding principles are; Improvement, Equality, Empowerment , Compassion, Transparency, Sustainability.



Everyone deserves their chance

We believe all human are born equal and deserve a chance at the opportunity of a better life. These kids who had no choice in where to be born need your help today.


Development Goals



A young girl carries a baby on her back at the Save the Children-supported Nyarugusu Camp for refugees from Burundi. Save the Children created child-friendly spaces at the camp to help children play, express themselves and recover from their traumatic experiences. Photo credit: Martin Kharumwa/Save the Children, April 2016.

Infant Mortality


Health Care Aid


Child Hunger


Community Development


Skill Development


Clean Portable Water

Your Support Means a Lot

Each donations matter, even the smallest ones. Donate $2( average price of coffee in the USA) and someone’s life will get better!

Our Work in Action

Your Support Means a Lot

Each donations matter, even the smallest ones. Donate $2( average price of coffee in the USA) and someone’s life will get better!